Brazil Wildlife

Brazil Wildlife and Economy

Animals and Plants

Animals and plants in Brazil

Brazil is considered the most biodiverse country on earth. In terms of plants alone, there are 55,000 species in Brazil. A large part of the country in the northwest is still covered by rainforest. However, it is in danger because many trees are being cut down. Animals and plants are threatened. For example, forests are being cut down to create sugar cane plantations. 62 national parks were set up to protect nature.

Which animals live in Brazil?

921 amphibians and 749 reptiles are part of the Brazilian fauna, as well as 3000 fish in lakes and rivers, countless insects and butterflies. 77 species of monkey swing through the trees here. There are more than 500 mammals in total. Typical birds of the rainforest are parrots, toucans and hummingbirds. The largest predators are the jaguar and the puma. Tapirs, peccaries, sloths, armadillos and anteaters also feel at home in the forest.

A fish that delivers electric shocks

Capybaras and caimans live on the banks of the rivers, while river dolphins and giant otters as well as many fish live in the water. One of them is the arapaima, which is called pirarucu here and can be up to two meters long. The electric eel gives out electric shocks for defense and hunting. Piranhas are also known to us with their razor-sharp teeth.

Do you know the maned wolf?

But Brazil has dry regions as well as rainforests. The maned wolf, the pampa deer and the rhea live there. Jaguars and tiger cats are the most common big cats in the savannah.

Animals in the Pantanal

Flatland tapirs, swamp deer and also caimans and capybaras live in the wetlands of the Pantanal. Capybaras are the largest rodents in the world and are also called capybaras. Jaguars, puma and ocelots are big cats that hunt here.

What is growing there in Brazil?

With 55,000 plant species, Brazil is the most biodiverse country on earth. There are also a particularly large number of endemic species among them, so they only occur here. The Amazon rainforest is the largest contiguous rainforest in the world. 60 percent of its area is in Brazil. Unfortunately, its existence is endangered. The people cleared the trees to use the land for fields or pastures.

There are 2,500 different trees in the rainforest alone. They are up to 60 meters high. Underneath there are “floors” in which other animals and plants find the best living conditions. For example, there is more light at the top but less nutrients.

Typical plants of the rainforest are lianas and epiphytes that live on the trees. These include ferns and bromeliads that settle in the forks of branches or on branches. Orchids also grow on the trees. They form aerial roots with which they absorb nutrients. If your parents have an orchid as a houseplant at home, you can see these aerial roots. Look closely!

The rivers that run through the rainforest often flood the land. That doesn’t happen away from the rivers. This land is called terra firme, solid land. This also influences which trees grow where. Brazil nut trees, for example, only like terra firme. The rubber tree and precious wood trees such as rosewood also grow here. The açaí palm is a typical tree species in the floodplain. Then there is the Várzea area. That is partially flooded. Jupati and Miriti palms, for example, grow here. Water lilies grow on the Amazon itself.

Mangrove forests also grow on the northeast coast of Brazil. The roots of mangrove trees are in the low salty sea water of the coast.

Brazil Wildlife


The economy is growing

Brazil is one of the countries whose economy is growing rapidly. Rich deposits of raw materials such as iron ore and petroleum contribute to this. Industry is also well developed and the political situation is stable. Nevertheless, poverty is also widespread. Conditions for workers are often poor on plantations. To get more information on Brazil and South America, check loverists.

What is a BRICS state?

Brazil is one of the so-called BRICS countries. The word is made up of the first letters of the member countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. These countries were seen as emerging economies. This means that they were no longer developing countries, but neither were they among the industrialized countries. All showed high growth rates over a long period of time. Brazil’s growth rate is now lower.

Iron ore and petroleum

Brazil is the third largest iron ore producer in the world. With the Carajás Mine, it also has the largest ore deposit in the world. It is located in the Amazon region in the state of Pará. Unfortunately, there is a lot of interference in nature for the mining. Trees are cut down, human habitats are destroyed and poisoned.

Oil is mainly extracted from the sea. In 2008 a huge oil field was discovered off the coast of Rio de Janeiro. The state oil company Petrobas promotes it. It is one of the largest oil companies in the world and is particularly good at drilling in the sea.

Coffee, sugar and soybeans

Coffee, sugar cane and soybeans are the main agricultural products. Brazil is the world’s largest producer of sugar cane and coffee. Besides sugar, sugar cane is also processed into bioethanol. Bioethanol is used as a fuel for cars. Brazil is also a leader in the cultivation of oranges. For soybeans, Brazil is the second largest growing country after the USA. Overall, agriculture only generates 6.6 percent. 9 percent of people work in this area.

Do you know sisal

Brazil is the main producer of sisal. Sisal is obtained from the leaves of the sisal agave. These fibers can be used to make ropes and nets. The Spaniards gave the plant this name because it was initially shipped from the port city of Sisal in Yucatán. From the middle of the 19th century, they were shipped from Pogreso. Synthetic fibers ultimately caused sisal production to decline. In the meantime, however, it is being increasingly produced again and used as an insulating material, for example. Brazil is the main producer of sisal.

Planes from Brazil

The industry generates 21 percent, 32 percent of Brazilians work in this area. In addition to clothing, shoes, chemicals and cement, cars and airplanes are also manufactured. The Embraer company is the fourth largest aircraft manufacturer in the world. Large car manufacturers also have locations in Brazil, VW as well as Fiat, Chevrolet or Ford.

Off to Brazil!

Many tourists visit Brazil. In 2018 there were seven million. This means that Brazil attracts the most tourists to South America. Overall, services, including tourism, are the most important area of ​​the economy. Most of the people work here (around 60 percent) and they also generate most of the gross domestic product (around 70 percent).